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EndNote X7/X8/X9/20 Windows: Install Word CWYWEndNote X7 (Word ) download free tutorial in pdf.
It all started with Microsoft Word not responding when opening a word document. No matter how much time you gave Word to respond, nothing happened. I managed to get Word to respond by pressing "ctrl-alt-delete" and then cancel. However, when I closed my document I was prompted for normal template changes. I checked if this was the case with any type of word document even blank ones , and it was. I downloaded a troubleshooter application from the Microsoft webpages, and tried to see if it could fix my problem.
The program disabled all my add-ins, and when I started word after running the program, it was working smoothly. I have later realized that the problem of normal template changes was because of the bluetooth add-in which I also checked at a later stage by reactivating it. However, my Endnote X7 add-in was removed from the Word ribbon. The Endnote add-in is important to me because I'm currently finishing up my master thesis.
I tried to reactivate the add-in manually in the option menu , but whenever I try to reactivate the add-in or any add-in for that matter , Word freezes again, and is not responding then I have to "ctrl-alt-delete" again to make it work. In addition, when I close Word and open it again, the add-in s is again gone from my ribbon menu, and it seems to be inactivated again. I have tried adding it as an administrator, but that does not do anything.
Even if I could add it, I would still have the freezing problem. I have had Endnote and Word working perfectly fine together for 6 months, so there shouldn't be any compatibility issues. I also tried re-installing both programs on my computer, but the problem remained.
I even called Endnote support, but they couldn't help me. I think it might be a Microsoft Word issue? You may try to remove and re-add the add-in in Word and check if it works as expected.
Since the issue is while using a non-Microsoft add-in s you may have to check with add-in manufacturer what best can be done to resolve this issue.
I hope the above information helps. Let us know if you need further assistance. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. I've had a similar problem with being unable to open files using Windows on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine, but only since around the time of the Office SP1 update. I suppose I could go through all 20 plus updates and see which one is the culprit, but I lack the patience. Love those helpful updates. You may be able to resolve the issue by uninstalling then reinstalling each of those Addins.
I tried it to no effect. Removed Endnote, rebooted, installed a new Endnote, rebooted, and it crashed Word unless I turned off the addin. You will notice that Camilree's first posting tried this as well, also to no effect.
So, my question now is whether anyone has Endnote working with the updated Word Has anyone at Microsoft tried it? Mine is Office Pro Plus on a 64 bit Windows 7 laptop.
You would have to take that up with Endnote's maker's. Microsoft doesn't accept any responsibility for the compatibility or otherwise of other third-party addins. Or maybe it's a problem that Word had and, now that it's been fixed, Endnote's shortcomings have been revealed.
Do you really suppose Microsoft shouldn't fix problems that can affect every Word user just because a tiny proportion of those users also happen to use a flaky addin? Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Does anybody have any ideas? Feels like I've tried everything This thread is locked.
You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Raju S Das. Hello Camilree, You may try to remove and re-add the add-in in Word and check if it works as expected. Thank you. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. According to EndNote, X7 is Office compatible. However, you also mention a Bluetooth Addin; these are notorious for their incompatibility with various versions of Office.
I'd suggest disabling the Bluetooth Addin and reinstalling EndNote. Other than that, you might try restoring your system to the state it was in before the crashes started occurring, on the premise that an update since then is behind the issues. In reply to macropod's post on March 28, In reply to wingoffly's post on April 17, In reply to macropod's post on April 17, So, with MS's vast resources, it cannot be bothered to have someone checking whether an update will damage a large number of its customers?
That's the attitude we've all come to love. I've wasted two work days trying to solve a problem that MS created. The solution, by way of the Endnote folks, is to go into Word, Options, Advanced, Display, and click "disable hardware graphics acceleration". Solves the Acrobat addin problem as well, so this seems to be a pretty general problem. In the end I had to do a factory reset on my computer, and re-install all the programs. This seems to have solved my problem. This means I had to re-install any other programs I had on my computer.
While doing this I checked Microsoft Word compatibility with Endnote every time I installed another program I thought maybe some other program could have been participant to Word crashing. Turns out that when I installed Matlab on my computer, Word stopped working.
I uninstalled Matlab straight away when I realized this, and Word started functioning again. Anyone know why this happens? This site in other languages x.
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